Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hours? What Hours?

Hello Dear Friends and Readers!  On with the show!  No kool-aid today for me yet, still have to share my latest adventures!

Hooray for modern technology, or not.  Okay, so get this...My paycheck comes on a debit card.  I have to go through several computer links to get direct deposit and even then, they still want me to use this card that proudly displays the logo for the company that I work for, including a very bright signature color.  This is presumably so when I am trying to buy groceries, some fellow wage warrior can see this and happily exclaim.."You work for ----------, I love their......" hence securing another loyal customer.  Ahh, the marketing never ends!  So why do I bring this up?  Because you are still required to pick up your pay stub that is mailed directly to this company with in 48 hours or face the scorn of an overworked manager.  I know this because on my first day of training I was in a very uncomfortable position being some how in the middle of a conversation that had to do with this very issue.  Holy crap close the office door would you?

Moving on, my schedule is supposed to be easily available to see on line, except for that it isn't.  When I went in to get my schedule I am delighted to see yet another 5 hour call in shift that may or may not pan out.  SO now, once again I am in the position of having to call my other job and try to find shift coverage for a shift at the first job that I may or may not even work.  Its complicated.  But my dilemma here is this, if I get coverage for my other job, call in and then can't work, I just lost money.  If I don't find coverage for my other job and I do call in and I end up working I risk a write-up warning.  I can only get three of these before I am "let-go".

The question now seems to be, which job do I try and be totally focused on?  The one that pays me less but respects me more, but can't offer me the hours or health care I need?  Or do I sell out completely and throw myself on the mercy of the fickle consumer who may or may not provide the company with enough profits to allow me to work?  My problem is I can't give up the hours at either job because I need both of them unless the corporate job sees fit to throw the management bone my way.  That tasty management bone is what I really need, but how long do I wait and how much money can I stand to loose being fully available to them?
With my schedule being only out a week in advance,(company policy) this makes it very difficult to schedule my life around the ever changing whim of the consumer.

Ohhh...that tasty management bone, the one dripping with full time hours, crunchy medical benefits and  meaty job security.....

It would seem easy to just quit the one job and bow at the alter of the corporate gods, but just can't make it without the stability of guaranteed hours.  So I have been wondering why exactly do corporations run like this?  Is it so when their employees get to work they are so happy and grateful that they will do anything just to be there?  Is it so they won't question the time limit they have for every task?  Is it so they will take whatever abuse is thrown their way by customers?  Is it so they will happily reset the floor and shelves a hundred times a day without complaint?  Is it so they are so happy with the idea of hours...dare I say even extra hours that working until 3am is an honor?  It does make a person wonder.

Meanwhile....moving on.....

Did I ever tell you that I am the oldest person working there?  It is awesome to take "coaching" from girls that are young enough to be my daughter.  Not humiliating at all.  Oh wait, it is.  I should have known something was up when I had a "group" interview, in which I was seated in the back storage room with 5 other people, all of whom were younger than me by 16 years at least.  This interview style is being used by more companies these days not only to expedite the hiring process, but to see who stands out.  So your competition begins right away.  Before you even get a second interview, you are forced into a situation that in the best of circumstances is uncomfortable, in the worst...is down right manipulative.  Is this system set up like the hours system, to make you feel honored to even have a call back?   Sitting around with your competition, trying to outshine them in the interview is an awful desperate situation.  But more and more that is what America is coming to.  An awful, desperate situation in which a person will do anything they have to to be considered for employment.

But there are perks!  Yes indeed!  Especially for management.  Full time hours, medical, dental, vacation time,
sick pay!  This sounds like Heaven to me!  I am going to sell out, prostrate myself, smile and do what ever I am told just to get these shiny jewels of civilization....these gems of viable humanity....the very nectar of validity and worth!!!!  Hell yes Friends..I am going to bend over so far that all I can see are my knees!  I am going to do it while moving with a sense of urgency, with a smile, with knowledge of our product, and with whatever else I am "coached" to do!  Why?  Why would you do this you might ask?  Well I will tell you why...I have not been able to go to the dentist in over 10 years, I have to pay over $120 to go to an InstaCare just to get antibiotics, because I have needed surgery that I can't pay for for 3 years now, because my medications are paid for out of pocket and I am on a 4 month waiting list just to see a doctor.  I have to drive all the way to Logan to attend a free clinic to try and get my prescriptions refilled..(hopefully).   So HELLO KNEES!!!!

In the meantime, I am going to help as many people as I can, try to make some one elses day and to keep my eyes on the prize!  I am going to find positive things to say about everyone I work with, I am going to keep a bright and cheerful attitude, and I am going to enjoy my employee discount.  Keep Your Eyes On The Prize!!!

And if that prize never comes?  Kool-aid baby, kool-aid.   Signing off for today with much gratitude for those who read this.


  1. No matter what else it does, you make us smile, usually laugh :-D. This is so true, with all places to work nowadays, it's just crazy. But we soldier on! hugs Les

  2. Oh p.s.....nobody tell my job I am doing this!

  3. I had a long post for you yesterday and it didn't go through.
    Anyways, I basically suggested that you keep looking for a better job instead of waiting for the golden carrot and a management position. If you want another set of eyes to look over your resume, you can send it my way.
    I also mentioned www.indeed.com as a great resource for the busy job hunter. You can create specific keyword searches and new job posts are sent to your e-mail.
    There are also at least a couple free clinics closer to you than Logan. I'm assuming you've checked them out, but if you haven't, I'll see if I can find more information out for you.
    Another blog that may or may not be useful for you is www.jobacle.com. I thought I'd throw that out to you.

  4. I so wish I had a job for you at my place, but it is not so stable. At least your place won't be going out of business or bankrupt anytime soon. I'm told now that I may have to wear many more hats, work longer slavery- er, I mean salaried hours and be happy with it. We need to pop open the jug of Sailor Jerry and cry awhile together.
